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Introduction to Group Schema Therapy 3 Days with Joan Farrell & Ida Shaw

  • 21 Jan 2016
  • 23 Jan 2016
  • Klinikk for Psykologbehandling, Fjellgata 14 Kongsvinger, Norway

Introduction to Group Schema Therapy with Joan Farrell & Ida Shaw

Farrell & Shaw (1994,  2012)  developed and tested a Group model of Schema Therapy (GST). The current GST model integrates their original group work with Young’s individual Schema Therapy (ST)(2003) & the ST outcome research of Arntz (2006).

This three day training presents the GST model and its core interventions, which are used depending upon the stage of the group and the mode profiles of the group members. Core interventions include: group limited reparenting, group imagery re-scripting, mode-specific group role-plays, experiential group work and the distinctive two therapist model that is crucial for maintaining the essence of limited reparenting with the more severe disorders. 

The work of Farrell and Shaw with Borderline personality disorder patients is presented along with their adaptations for other patient groups. For a preview see their keynote at the Istanbul ISST Conference 2014: Catalyzing Schema Therapy via Group Experiential Interventions on the home page.

Registration & fees

Registration fee: 5. 000 NOK

Registration includes participation in all sessions, workshop handouts, and lunch & coffee/cake break each day.

For registration and further information about the seminar, please see www.psykologbehandling.no or contact Erlend Aschehoug at EMAIL

Registration deadline is January 1, 2016


Klinikk for Psykologbehandling

Fjellgata 14

Kongsvinger, Norway (about one hour bus drive from Gardermoen Oslo airport)

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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