SIG Children and Adolescent Team Christof Loose is Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist for Children and Adolescents (CBT), works in his own Private Practice in Dusseldorf, Chair of the subcommittee Working Group in ST-CA 2013-2017, since 2013 advanced-level certified, trainer and supervisor (ISST e.V.), editor and author of ST-CA books and Video-Learning (DVD), conducts workshops and seminars in Schema Therapy for Children, Adolescents and Parents, wordwide. Maria Galimzyanova is a practicing schematherapist, a member of St-Petersburg Institute of Schema-Therapy and for 27 years works with children, adolescents, parents and adults in a psychological center “Anima” in St–Petersburg. More than 17 years Maria devoted to teaching as an associate professor of Saint-Petersburg state university and has over 20 publications in Russian and English. Maria is a certified trainer-supervisor in Individual ST, group ST and Child-and Adolescent ST and conducts workshops in schematherapy. Diana Teodorescu is a Trainer and Supervisor in ST-CA, ST-Individual and Group-ST, Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist, CBT Trainer and Supervisor, IFTECC Iasi; Associate Professor at A.I.Cuza University-Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Department. Diana has over 20 years of experience of clinical evaluation, individual and group therapy for children and adolescents, workshops for parents and teachers in schools and in private practice. As a Trainer and Associate Professor she also has 20 years of teaching and training experience in 2 Universities (Undergraduate and Post-graduate Programs), in several National Educational Programs and in CBT and ST Training Programs. Latest News | Children and Adolescent Special Interest Group Would you like to gain (new) insights and skills in ST-CA while connecting with other schema therapists for C& A using the approaches within ST-CAtherapy model? Are you interested in the C&A specific case conceptualization? Do you work with parental caregivers of your young clients? Please, consider to join the ST-CA Special Interest Group now! The SIG-ST-CA Workgroup usually meets 6 times a year, usually on Wednesdays at 1 pm CET/CEST Central European (Daylight) Time for 90 min. The concrete dates will be announced soon. We use the online system ZOOM, so you can easily join using your favorite device (e.g. laptop, desktop, tablet, etc.). To join, you must be an active ISST member, and must also complete a GDPR consent. During the meeting, for example, a member presents a case or on a relevant topic, and members discuss different aspects of their experiences to help each other grow and become exposed to different aspects of working with C&A. No identifying patient or client information is shared during the meeting, so strict confidentiality is maintained, and for protection reasons, no video recording of the session is available. Topics or cases that members would like to discuss have to be registered at least 1 week before the meeting (email see below), in order to inform the group members about the content of the next session. If you are interested in joining the SIG-CA workgroup, please contact Christof Loose who will guide and organize together with Maria Galimzynova and Diana Teodorescu the group session. Best wishes, Christof Loose, Maria Galimzyanova, Diana Teodorescu |
©2021 International Society of Schema Therapy e.V.
International Society of Schema Therapy e.V. is a not-for-profit organization, Germany