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Honorary Life Membership approved by the ISST General Membership Assembly October 2020

Gerhard Zarbock is one of the pioneers of schema therapy in Germany. Together with Heinrich Berbalk, he organized the initial group of therapists interested in schema therapy and the first trainings with Jeffrey Young.

When the ISST was founded at the Coimbra conference in 2008, he became the Treasurer on the first Executive Board and laid the tracks for our membership management and office organization embedded in his CBT institute in Hamburg. In developing the formal structure of the ISST as an organization, he drew on his resources and expertise in organizational management and drafted the statutes of our society which are basically still working very well 12 years later.  He already had a valuable collaboration with Eckhard Roediger and he recommended Eckhard stand as Secretary on that first ISST Executive.  This collaboration laid a strong foundation for the Society which Eckhard, of course, continued to build on.

As co-chair (with Poul Perris) of the Current Concerns and Conflicts Committee, a precursor to our present Ethics and Conflict Resolution Committee, Gerhard played a major role, along with Poul and Jeffrey Young, in resolving serious conflicts that arose within our society that came to a head at the Berlin conference in 2010.  He also took the initiative to develop guidelines for respectful mutual interaction between members and conflict resolution processes for the ISST.

Through his Institute, IVAH (Institut for Verhaltenstherapie Ausbildung Hamburg) he has pursued research on schema therapy much of it with an applied clinical focus and through his many publications he has contributed to the positive profile of schema therapy within the research community.  He has also been concerned with the principles that apply to the supervision process (Zarbock, Drews, Bodansky, & Dahme, 2009)and he developed very useful guidelines for supervision in schema therapy.

He is a genuinely creative and innovative therapist who was actively involved in the development of Schema Therapy for Couples (ST-C) and designed an elegant small-scale study on the effect of conjoint imagery rescripting, which IVAH financially supported (Roediger, Zarbock, Frank-Noyon, Hinrichs, & Arntz, 2020).  He also coauthored a book on ST-C (Roediger, Behary, & Zarbock, 2013).  He also played a major role in guiding the development of Schema Therapy for Children and Adolescents and is co-author of the book on this which has recently been translated into English (Loose, Graf, Zarbock, & Holt, 2020).   He also contributed significantly to the large trial on group schema therapy (GST) whose first impressive results have recently been published and was involved with several other researchers in the development of the GST Competence and Adherence Scale (Bastick et al, 2018) and produced a training video.

He has also been co-editor of a schema therapy section in a peer-reviewed German CBT-Journal for many years. Based on his broad knowledge and training in several therapy approaches he has written several major handbooks on CBT into which he integrated a schema therapy perspective to broaden the common foundation of CBT, which serves as a reference for many German CBT-trainees. He also published a useful introduction to schema therapy, Einladung zur Schematherapie (Zarbock, 2014) and a book on mindfulness for therapists (Zarbock, Amman, & Ringer, 2012) which has been translated into English (Zarbock, Lynch, Amman, & Ringer, 2015).

In a nutshell, it is a pleasure to recommend for Honorary Life Membership of the ISST someone who has played such a significant role in the founding and establishing of our society during the “magic first years” and who has continued to contribute to extending the public appreciation of schema therapy through his research and clinical writing.


Bastick, E., Bot, S., Verhagen, SJW, Zarbock, G., Farrell, J., Brand-de Wilde, O., Arntz, A & Lee, CW (2018). The development and psychometric evaluation of the Group Schema Therapy Rating Scale - Revised. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, doi: 10.1017 / S1352465817000741

Gall-Peters, A. & Zarbock, G. (2012) Praxisleitfaden Verhaltenstherapie. Störungsspezifische Strategien, Therapieindividualisierung, Patienteninformationen. Pabst Science Publishers.

Loose, C., Graaf, P. & Zarbock, G. (Hrsg.) (2013). Schematherapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Beltz.

Loose, C., Graf, P., Zarbock, G. & Holt, R. A. (2020). Schema therapy for children and adolescents: A practitioner’s guide. Pavilion Publishing and Media.

Michalak, J., Zarbock, G., Drews, M., Otto, D. Mertens, D., Ströhle, G., Schwinger, M., Dahme, B., & Heidenreich, T. (2016). Erfassung von Achtsamkeit mit der deutschen Version des Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaires (FFMQ-D). Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 24 (1), 1-12.

Roediger, E., Behary, W.T. Zarbock, G. (2013). Passt doch! Paarkonflikte verstehen und lösen mit der Schematherapie. Beltz.

Roediger, E. & Zarbock, G. (2015). Schematherapie bei Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Eine Standortbestimmung. Nervenarzt, 86, 60-71.

Roediger, E., Zarbock, G., Frank-Noyon, E., Hinrichs, J., & Arntz, A. (2020). The effectiveness of imagery work in schema therapy with couples: a clinical experiment comparing the effects of imagery rescripting and cognitive interventions in brief schema couples therapy. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 35(3), 320-337. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681994.2018.1529411

Tan, Y. M., Lee, C. W., Averbeck, L. E., Brand-de Wilde, O., Farrell, J., Fassbinder, E., Jacob, G. A., Martius, D., Wastiaux, S., Zarbock, G., & Arntz, A. (2018). Schema therapy for borderline personality disorder: A qualitative study of patients’ perceptions. Plos One, 13(11), e0206039. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0206039

Zarbock, G. (1994). Emotional-imaginative Umstrukturierung traumatischer Episoden. Verhaltenstherapie, 4, 122-129.

Zarbock, G. (1996). Heilen durch Erfahrung. Einführung in die integrative Verhaltenstherapie. Freiburg: Herder.

Zarbock, G. (1996) Individualisierung statt Standardisierung: Verhaltenstherapie als biografisch orientierte Neuerfahrung. Verhaltenstherapie 6, S 244-251.

Zarbock, G. (1997). Biografisch individualisierte Planung und Durchführung von Verhaltenstherapien – Hinweise und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis. Verhaltenstherapie 7, S. 226-234.

Zarbock, G. (2005). Therapieabbruch und Misserfolg aus der Sicht des Therapeuten, Supervisors und Gutachters. In W. Lutz, J. Kosfelder & J. Joormann (Hrsg.), Misserfolge und Ab­brüche in der Psychotherapie (S. 183-208). Huber.

Zarbock, G. (2008). Praxisbuch Verhaltenstherapie. Lengerich. Pabst Science Publishers.

Zarbock, G. (2010). Phasenfahrplan VT: Aufgaben und Strukturierungshilfen für Therapeuten und Supervisoren. Pabst Science Publishers.

Zarbock, G. (2012). Das Konzept Identität in der Verhaltenstherapie. Theorie und Praxis. In Petzold, H.G. (Hrsg). Identität. Ein Kernthema moderner Psychotherapie – interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. S. 223-244. Wiebaden: VS Verlag.

Zarbock, G. (2014a). Einladung zur Schematherapie. Beltz.

Zarbock, G. (2014b). Die Axiome des schematherapeutischen Modells im Überblick. Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 35, 3, 202-207.

Zarbock, G. (2014c). Gibt es einen Modusdynamik? Zur Frage der Darstellung der Dynamik und der therapeutischen Beantwortung der Modi. Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 35, 3, 222-231.

Zarbock, G. (Hrsg.) (2016a). Praxisbuch VT-Supervision. Konzepte und Materialien für eine Aufgaben- und Kompetenzorientierte Supervision (AKOS) von Verhaltenstehrapie. Pabst Science Publishers.

Zarbock, G. (2016b). Die Selbst-Regulations-Hierarchie (SRH)-Ein Konzept für die Arbeit mit Grundbedürfnissen, Emotionen und Bewältigungsreaktionen in Therapie und Supervision. Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 37, 4, 393-416.

Zarbock, G., Amman, A. & Ringer, S. (2011). Achtsamkeit für Psychotherapeuten und Berater. Beltz.

Zarbock, G., Drews, M., Bodansky, A., Dahme, B., (2009). The evaluation of supervision: Construction of brief questionnaires for the supervisor and supervisee. Psychotherapy Research, 19(2), 194-204.

Zarbock, G., Drews, M., Semmler, N., Wang, X.& Dahme, B. (2015). Entwicklung und Bewertung eines interkulturellen Kurzfragebogens zur Erfassung des Psychotherapieverlaufes (FPV-26). Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 36,5, 323-347.

Zarbock, G. & Hampel, J. (2015a). Moduskarten: Modus des glücklichen Kindes und Modus der angepassten Unterwerfung . Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 36, 1, 98-103

Zarbock, G. & Hampel, J. (2015b). Moduskarten: Die Interaktiondes verletzten Kindes mit fordernden und vernachlässigenden Eltern. Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 36, 4, 401-407. Zarbock, G. & Hampel, J. (2016a). Modus des distanzierten Selbstberuhigers Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 37, 1, 99-107

Zarbock, G. & Hampel, J. (2016b). Modus des vermeidenden Beschützers. Modus des hyperaktiv-impulsiven Beschützers. Die Vermeidungsuhr. Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 37, 2, 474-488

Zarbock, G. & Hampel, J. (2016c). Modus des Impulsiven, Distanzierten und Dissoziierten Beschützers. Die Vermeidungsuhr. Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 37, 4, 474-488

Zarbock, G. & Hampel, J. (2017a). Moduskarten des Ärgerlichen und Klagsamen Beschützers. Die Vermeidungsuhr. Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 38, 1, 65-73

Zarbock, G. & Hampel, J. (2017b). Moduskarten des Aufmerksamkeitssuchers und des perfektionistischen Überkontrollierers. Die Überkompensationstreppe. Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 38, 2, 127-137

Zarbock, G., Lynch, S., Amman, A. & Ringer, S. (2015). Mindfulness for therapists: Understanding mindfulness for professional effectiveness and personal well-being. Wiley-Blackwell.

Zarbock, G., Schweigert, E. & Hampel, J. (2017) Die Kompetenz-Trainings-Spirale (KTS) – Ein Beitrag zur Kompetenzorientierung in der VT-Supervision. Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 38, 3, 216-232.

Zarbock, G., Roediger, E. & Hampel, J. (2014). Moduskarten in der Schematherapie. Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 35, 4, 374-379.

Zarbock, G, Rodde, S., Ströhm, W., Schulz, H. & Watzke, B. (2012). Kompetenzerwartungen in der Ausbildung Psychologischer Psychotherapeuten und Kinder- und Jugendpsychotherapeuten in Verhaltenstherapie (VT). Verhaltenstherapie, 22, 27-35.

Zarbock, G. & Zens, C. (2011). Bedürfnis- und Emotionsdynamik –Handlungsleitende Konzepte für die Schematherapie. In: Roediger, E. & Jacob, G. (Eds). . Fortschritte der Schematherapie. Konzepte und Anwendungen. S. 45-65, Göttingen : Hogrefe.

Wetzelaer, P., Farrell, J., Evers, Silvia M. A. A., Jacob, G. A., Lee, C. W., Brand, O., van Breukelen, G., Fassbinder, E., Fretwell, H., Harper, R. P., Lavender, A., Lockwood, G., Malogiannis, I. A., Schweiger, U., Startup, H., Stevenson, T., Zarbock, G., & Arntz, A. (2014). Design of an international multicentre RCT on group schema therapy for borderline personality disorder. BMC Psychiatry, 14(1), 319. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-014-0319-3

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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