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List Of Group Schema Therapy Certified Trainer-Supervisors


  1. Agnes Sullivan
  2. Dr. Rita Younan, AU
  3. Eelco Muste, NL 
  4. Ida Shaw, USA
  5. Heather Fretwell, USA
  6. Paul Kaysanik, Russian Federation
  7. Elena Romanova, Russian Federation
  8. Joan Farrell, USA
  9. Christine Zens, DE

Additional Trainer-Supervisors

1.  Joan Farrell, USA
2.   Maria Galimzyanova, Russian Federation
3.   Marit Olsen, Norway
4.   Kristine Sorensen, Norway 
5.   Susanne Vind, Denmark
6.   Guido Sijbers, Netherlands
7.   Michiel Van Vreeswijk, Netherlands
8.   Susan Simpson, Australia
9.   Jenny Broersen, Netherlands
10. Odette Brand, Netherlands
11.  Eva Fassbinder, Germany
12.  Louise Sainsbury, UK
13.  Christine Zens, Germany

14. Igor Nenadic, Germany 
15. Maria Rocher, NL
16. Rachel Worthington, UK

17. Agnes Sullivan, UK
18. Friederike Vogel, Germany 
19. Christoph Fuhrhans, SWZ 
20. Wendy Behary, USA

21. Erlend Aschehoug, Norway
22. Hannie van Genderen, NL
23. Neele Reiss, Germany
24. Rita Younan, Australia
25. Jo Wilson, UK
26. Patrick Harper, UK
27. Kristen Bousfield, UK
28. Janis Briedis, UK
Anna Lavender, UK
Rachel Horsman, UK
Kim Reid
32. Rebekah Honey

33. Bastian Willenborg, DE

34. Christian Ferreira de Vasconcellos, DE

35. Eelco Muste, NL

36. Karin Pogade, DE

37. Magdalena Kitlowska, PL

38. Alina Diana Nicoleta Teodorescu, RO

    Certified Group Schema Therapists

    Supervisor Certification Group Schema Therapy

       1. Bonnie Noordegraaf, NL
       2. Salvatore Corbisiero, CH

    Advanced Certification Group Schema Therapy

    1. Tatiana Kulikova, RU

    2. Vivian Rahn, DE

    3. Bastian Willenborg, DE

    4. Julia Krupka, SW

    5. Rosie Reubsaet, NL

    6. Florian Ruths, UK

    7. Christian Ferreira de Vasconcellos, DE

    8. Dr. Rita Younan, AU

    9. Lynda Parry, AU

    10. Bonnie Noordegraaf, NL

    11. Ján Praško, CZ

    12. Salvatore Corbisiero, CH

    13. Karolina Voros, RS

    14. Ji Young Kim, US

    15. Isabelle Schurr, DE

    16. Sergio Alejandro Morales Hernández, MX

    Standard Certification Group Schema Therapy

    1. Alexandra Gall-Peters, DE           
    2. Silka Ringer, DE
    3. Jari Peltomaa, FI
    4. Tarja Koffert, FI
    5. John Atkinson, DE
    6. Erik Stolk, NL
    7. Suzanne Schiereck, NL
    8. Amelie Durand, FR
    9. Sophia Vezza, UK
    10. Aryan Aghdami, NO
    11. Silka Ringer, DE
    12. Owen Forster, UK
    13. Katja Windheim, UK
    14. Dr. Jade Dollochin, UK
    15. Nadine Singer, DE
    16. Nicolas Schetelig, DE
    17. Aras Michał Ahmad, PL
    18. Eglė Kultscher, DE

    GST Approved Certification Training Programs (contact info right column)

    1. Schema Therapy Institute Midwest -  Indianapolis, USA
    2. IPSTI-Mainz, Germany
    3. St. Petersburg STI, Russia
    4. Schematherapie in Bedrijf, NL
    5. Schema Therapy Denmark
    6. Schema Therapy Solutions, UK
    7. Group Schema Therapy Scandinavia, Norway
    8. Schema Therapy Institute, London
    9. Schema Therapy Institute, Australia 

    ISST Certified Group Schema Therapist Requirements

    The ISST has a separate certification in Group Schema Therapy.

    The required curriculum, supervision hours and practice were developed over the last years by a committee appointed by the ISST Executive Board.

    Requirements  for the Group version of Schema Therapy certification.

    Group certification is separate from individual ST certification.  A prerequisite of beginning group training for those not already certified in individual ST is attendance at 12 hours of training in the ST model, which can be obtained through any of the ISST approved training programs in Individual ST.

    Documents needed for application

    Group Schema Therapy Certification Requirements

    Application for certification – includes Group Schema Therapy

    Group Schema Therapy Curriculum

    Group Schema Therapy Competency Rating Scale

    Submit your application

    The grandparenting period ended July 1, 2014. Fast tracking is granted in some situations. Please refer to the fast tracking policy and send all applications to the T&C coordinators.

    Group Schema Therapy is the application of the full model of ST (i.e. cognitive, experiential or emotion-focused and behavioral pattern-breaking interventions). A short paper by Jeff Young and Joan Farrell describing the model of group ST upon which certification is based can be found in the attachments for this page.

    Advanced level trainer-Supervisors who want to apply to have an approved training program in Group ST must demonstrate that they will cover the curriculum developed by the GST committee (which is basic ST) and that they present a full model of ST as described in this paper.

    The former Group ST Committee was aware that models of schema-focused group exist that are primarily cognitive. Over the two years of the committee's work to establish a Group ST certification we have reached consensus regarding the essential ingredients of GST. These are reflected in the GST adherence and competence scale, the development of which was led by Gerhard Zarbock. When there was a question of whether the model being used was complete GST applicants were asked to submit a tape recording to be rated using the GSTCRS.

    The former committee felt that this gave everyone in the community who had been working with a group model the opportunity to provide ISST approved training for certification. The Chair of the workgroup reviews routine applications for training programs and makes a recommendation to the T&C Coordinator. In the case of disagreement the entire workgroup reviews the application and ultimately when consensus is not reached the decision would go to the Executive Board.


    Schema Therapy Institute - Australia

    Directors: Dr Rita Younan

    contact: DrRita Younan

    This program is conducted in VIC, Australia

    website: STIA - Schema Therapy Institute

    Schema Therapy Institute Midwest - Indianapolis

    Directors: Ida Shaw, MA and Joan Farrell, PhD

    contact: Joan Farrell

    This program is delivered in the USA, Europe and Australia in conjunction with a number of ISST Training Programs

    website: www.BPD-Home-BASE.org 

    IPSTI-Mainz, Germany

    Directors: Neele Reiss, PhD and Friederike Vogel, MD

    contact: Friederike Vogel

    This program is conducted in Mainz, Germany

    Schematherapie in Bedrijf, Netherlands

    Director: Eelco Muste

    Contact: Eelco Muste

    Website: www.schematherapieinbedrijf.nl
    Contact: contact@schematherapieinbedrijf.nl

    Institute for Schema Therapy Hamburg (IST-HH), Germany

    Director: Christine Zens

    Contact: Christine Zens


    The program is certified at standard and advanced level in GST. It is conducted in Germany.

    Institut für Schematherapie Rhein Main (ISTRM), Germany

    Director: Dipl. Psych. Christian Ferreira de Vasconcellos

    Contact: Dipl. Psych. Christian Ferreira de Vasconcellos

    Website: www.schematherapie-rhein-main.de
    Email: kontakt@schematherapie-rhein-main.de

    This program is conducted in Frankfurt , Germany

    ST. Petersburg Schema Therapy Institute

    Directors: Paul Kasyanik, PhD and Elena Romanova, PhD

    contact: Paul Kasyanik

    This program is conducted in Russia, St. Petersburg and Moscow

    Schema Therapy Denmark

    Director: Susanne Vind, MD

    Contact: Susanne VInd

    This program is conducted in Copenhagen, Denmark

    Schema Therapy Solutions

    Director: Kerry Beckley, Ph.D.

    contact Kerry Beckley

    Group Schema Therapy Training Program Scandinavia

    Director: Erlend Aschehoug

    contact: Erlend

    Why Schema Therapy?

    Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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