* Please make sure you are using current (updated) Certification Forms from 'Certification Forms' page on this site before starting to fill in your Application. ** Find your Regional Coordinator's address here New Time limits for applying for the ISST certification Dear Members of the ISST Community, Regarding the time limits for applying for the ISST Certification. New rules clarify the process of determining the deadlines for submission of applications and make it easier and more convenient to use. |
Certification new rules Time limits for applying for the ISST certification Candidates have maximum of 3 years since completion of the basic (or advanced) training to meet the requirements and apply (to send application to Regional Certification Coordinator) for their first certification level (Standard or Advanced) a.If they get certified at the Standard level within 3 years they have additional maximum of 2 years to complete advanced training (if applicable), meet the requirements and apply for Advanced Certification. b. If candidates do not meet the deadline of 3 years for the first certification or additional 2 years for advanced certification they have to provide proof of either:
c.Above rules make any ‘extensions’ unnecessary except for some really extraordinary circumstances. |
The new Schema Therapy Case Conceptualization Form has become mandatory since 1st May 2019 and needs to be submitted with the session recording for evaluation. The evaluators who are rating the submitted recording, also rate the Case Conceptualization Form using a scale which you can find on the New Case Conceptualization Form page. It was decided that after that, if there is no translation into the local language, CCF will need to be submitted in English.
Please make sure you are using current (updated) Certification Forms from this site before starting to fill in your Application. Before sending in an application for any of the ISST certification categories you must have completed the process of joining the ISST as a full member (excepting Auxiliary Schema Therapist Certification who join as Associate members), have your membership number and provide it on your application.
Procedure for submitting ISST Certification Applications:
ALL APPLICANTS FOR CERTIFICATION PLEASE NOTE: All applications for certification in individual schema therapy go to Regional or National Coordinators who are the reviewers for the country you live in. You must meet the ISST membership requirement for the certification you are applying for before submitting a certification application. An ISST-certified Schema Therapist must fulfil various requirements, on the one hand with regard to his/her qualification, on the other hand must be a ISST member who pays his/her fees on time to have his/her certification approved or to be certified. He/she is also required to keep the fees up to date to ensure that the certification is not withdrawn.
Your certification application will not be reviewed without your ISST membership number. Individual, Group, Child-Adolescent and Couples ST require Full ISST membership, Auxiliary Schema Therapist certification requires Associate ISST membership.
For example, if you are living in Holland you would send your certification application to Eelco Muste. You would also email Eelco if you wanted to know where your application was in the certification process. Below you will find the countries listed which have a reviewer. If two people are listed and you have trained or been supervised by one of them, please send your application to the other for the sake of evaluator's independence. Eventually someone will be listed for each country or region.
Please assemble your application, documentation needed for supervision, rater's tape summary sheet/s along with the CHECKLIST accessed via 'Certification' link and email it ALL TOGETHER at the same time. Otherwise it is much more work for reviewers. Hard copies mailed in are not accepted as the need for international mailing slows down the process and makes archiving applications difficult. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure that all supplementary documentation including the case conceptualization and session summary that were sent to the tape rater are sent to the reviewer within 30 days of sending the application form in. All reviewers volunteer their time for this as ISST Coordinator. Expect that it may take the reviewer 30 days to send your application in checked and then another 30 days before you are notified of approval. Please be patient in contacting the reviewer or me about your application before this time has passed. We do everything we can to act quickly, but all of us are busy practicing psychotherapists and trainers.
Documents to submit (all can be found on the Certification Forms page of the website)
For the time limits of certification please refer to the document on the top of this page. Exceptions to the time limit can be requested to the Certification Coordinator and are granted based upon extraordinary circumstances.
Certification in the Specialty Areas of ST: Group, Child-Adolescent, Couples and Auxiliary
The evaluation process for applications in the specialty areas is as follows:
1. Applications are sent to the Chair of the Certification Committee for that specialty area.The general ISST policy is that routine applications are evaluated through the process described above. Applications with issue(s) for which there is no rule or precedent are referred to the Training & Certification (T&C) Coordinator. Depending upon the issue involved these applications either go directly to the Executive Board (EB) for evaluation or first to the T&C Committee for discussion and feedback and then to the ISST EB board for a decision. All exceptions granted are recorded and applied to any other member with the same situation or issue. Applicants may ask for review by the 3C’s committee.
Certification by "Grandparenting"
The official grandparenting period for all certification is now closed. Under certain circumstances we review the need for fast - tracking in certain countries where there is a need for supervisors and trainers. Please review the fast tracking policy in how to apply. All applications need to be sent to both the Training and Certification Coordinator.
Procedure: Making exceptions to the Masters degree or higher academic requirement to begin training in Schema Therapy
In countries where a Masters degree is not the only route to the approved practice of psychotherapy, exceptions to the Masters degree requirement to apply for ST training will be based upon the practice of that country. Recommendations for the requirements to be met for exceptions in each country where this issue applies will be made by consensus of the ISST Approved Training Program Directors of that country. The requirements for an exception to apply for Standard level certification only may also be specified.
The ISST Executive Board will evaluate and approve the final requirements. In this way a standard practice for making exceptions can be established and all applicants treated in the same manner. In the event that an ISST member applicant disagrees with denial of an exception the appeal process outlined for certification issues will be followed. This process can be found on the ISST website.
Approved 10-3-15 ISST Executive Board Meeting
Fast Tracking
To be considered for fast tracking in certification please find the policy here:
Application for fast tracking to become an ISST certified supervisor©2021 International Society of Schema Therapy e.V.
International Society of Schema Therapy e.V. is a not-for-profit organization, Germany