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The Schema Therapy Bulletin

The Official Publication of the International Society of Schema Therapy

Introducing the Inaugural Schema Therapy  Bulletin 

We are delighted to introduce the Schema Therapy Bulletin, the newest e-publication designed to update members on the latest thoughts, activities and practices related to Schema Therapy.

The exciting world-wide growth of Schema Therapy has expanded the number of schema therapists as well as the populations receiving treatment by schema therapists. Our members, in 26 different countries have advanced the original model developed to treat patients with long-standing personality disorders and chronic mental health conditions to include couples, children, and groups; medically ill patients, people with gender and sexuality issues, dissociative diseases and more. Therapeutic interventions continue to include imagery, flash cards, and limited re-parenting, and have expanded to include mode work using chairs, empathic confrontation, and an expanded view of working with difficult modes.

The Schema Therapy Bulletin will be published quarterly. Each issue will focus on a specific theme: a population, a technique, or a theoretical or practical question related to schema therapist. Future issues will also include a “Meet the ISST Board” column, to introduce our hard-working and highly skilled board to the members at large. Other thoughts have included clinical case-“discussion” focusing on a case relevant to the issues theme, or a question-and-answer forum also focused on the issues theme.
We welcome your input, involvement (and articles!) in this endeavor!


Lissa Parsonnet, PhD., LCSW (USA)

Chris Hayes, Clinical Psychologist (Australia)

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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