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Transformational Chairwork with Scott Kellogg

  • 20 Aug 2015
  • 21 Aug 2015
  • NFKT, Pilestredet 75c, Oslo, Norway

Transformational Chairwork 

with Scott Kellogg

Content of the workshop

Drawing on the clinical wisdom and practice of a wide range of Gestalt and integrative psychotherapists, the Transformational Chairwork Workshop is designed to introduce therapists to the art and science of Chairwork or psychotherapeutic dialogues in an active, creative, and clinically-useful manner.

Using didactic presentations, role-plays, and live demonstrations, participants will learn how to use this technique to address several common clinical situations: 

1. Making Decisions

2. Resolving Loss, Grief, and Unfinished Business

3. Countertransference/Coping with Difficult Relationships

4. Working with Addictive Disorders

5. Healing from Abuse and Interpersonal Trauma

6. Engaging the Inner Critic/Increasing Self-Compassion

Registration & fees

Registration fee: 5. 000 NOK

Registration includes participation in all sessions, workshop handouts, and lunch & coffee/cake break each day.

For registration and further information about the seminar, please see www.psykologbehandling.no or contact Erlend Aschehoug at EMAIL

Registration deadline is August 10, 2015. 

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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