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"My Schemas and Me: How to Increase Self Awareness, Resilience & Improve Therapeutic Outcomes" by Susan Simpson

  • 22 Sep 2017
  • Linlithgow (near Edinburgh)

"My Schemas and Me: How to Increase Self Awareness, Resilience & Improve Therapeutic Outcomes"

Date -   September 22nd , 2017
Venue – Linlithgow (near Edinburgh)
CPD - 7 hours of active CPD

How do our own schemas effect our work and the way we manage our stress levels? What actions can we as clinicians take to manage burnout, fatigue and improve work satisfaction? This workshop will be centred around the recent evidence base in this area (including a large international study we conducted on this topic) and will give participants the opportunity to learn about the latest research findings on the schemas and modes which predict burnout and resilience amongst mental health professionals.  The following topics will be covered:

Identifying schemas in your family of origin and how they may influence your work
Stuck points and difficulties encountered in therapy - how are your schemas involved?
Identifying triggers for your schemas in the work setting.
Identifying your own coping modes, and building a more resilient Healthy Adult self in the work setting.
Experiential exercises linked to schemas that have been shown to predict burnout, including role-play.
Explore ways of changing work environments to build trust and resilience, whilst counteracting schema activation.
Psychologists and other psychotherapists are at considerable risk of burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma.  This workshop is based on recent research with over 400 participants that explored the schemas and modes that predict burnout and those that are most closely linked with resilience.  Findings indicate that schemas and coping modes are significantly associated with resilience and emotional exhaustion, indicating the potential benefit of resilience training or self-therapy for psychologists, focused on developing skills to manage their own schemas and modes.
This workshop provides an opportunity for therapists to develop self-awareness into the effects of their own underlying schemas and modes in the work setting. Participants will be encouraged to examine their own schemas and the way in which these may interact with those of their clients, as well as their colleagues and work environments. Participants will learn about those schemas that interfere with their own well-being and quality of life whilst exploring ways of building their Healthy
modes in the context of their own work environment.  The workshop will give participants an opportunity to reflect on how they can better take care of themselves and build resilience whilst drawing on the available research on this topic.
Who is this workshop for?  This workshop is suitable for a range of professionals who practice psychotherapy, including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, nurse therapists, and anyone working in mental health.
Trainer: Dr. Susan Simpson, Clinical Psychologist.    Susan led the largest international study that has been carried out on the effects of schemas and modes on stress and burnout amongst clinical and counselling psychologists and trainee psychologists. Based on this data, several papers are currently being submitted for journal publication.

For registration please visit www.schematherapyscotland.com

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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