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Schema Therapy: “The Model, Methods & Techniques” 3 day (introductory/intermediate workshop) by Susan Simpson

  • 26 Jun 2017
  • 28 Jun 2017
  • The Mansion Hotel Ubud, BALI
Schema Therapy: “The Model, Methods & Techniques” 3 day (introductory/intermediate workshop)

Dates: 26th, 27th, 28th June, 2017
Location / Venue: The Mansion Hotel Ubud, BALI
Trainers - Susan Simpson, Advanced Schema Therapy Trainer, Clinical Psychologist.
CPD - 21 hours of active CPD
This workshop will help attendees gain a thorough understanding of the Schema Therapy model and provide an extensive platform for learning new skills and techniques used in Schema Therapy.  The workshop will address both the schema and mode models. The training is skills based, with multiple opportunities to learn complex techniques for working with difficult-to-treat clinical populations. The training will centre around Borderline Personality Disorder and it's treatment.
If you have attended 1 or 2 day workshops in the past, this workshop will still provide you with a good platform for learning and practicing skills, as well as direct coaching of skills therapists often feel less confident in applying.
We aim to have 1 presenter for every 12-14 attendees, allowing participants to have optimum coaching, observation and adequate supervision of skills- places are limited.
 Venue: The Mansion Hotel Ubud, BALI The Mansion Hotel and Spa is situated in the artist community of Penestanan on the Sayan Ridge just a few minutes drive from the centre of Ubud, the island’s cultural centre

For bookings: www.schematherapyscotland.com orwww.schematherapytraining.com

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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