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Certification training Module 1: Essentials of Schema Therapy – Conceptualisation and Key Skills

  • 24 Apr 2023
  • 9:00 AM (CEST)
  • 27 Apr 2023
  • 5:00 PM (CEST)
  • In person, face to face training

Certification Training Module 1:

Essentials of Schema Therapy – Conceptualisation and Key Skills

Dates: Monday 24th - Thursday 27th, April 2023

(Four days training, £520)

This workshop provides an introduction to schema theory and concepts including schemas, modes, and coping styles. The module also provides a grounding in key schema therapy clinical skills: assessment, case conceptualisation, treatment planning, and core therapeutic techniques (such as limited reparenting, cognitive techniques, and experiential techniques including imagery and chair work). 

Presenter: Dr. Olwyn Matier, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, ISST advanced schema therapist, trainer and supervisor 

Format: In person, face to face training

Venue: Stranmillis University College, Belfast

Email: info@schematherapyni.com
Website: www.schematherapyni.com

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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