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Second Charity Online Curriculum in Schema Therapy for Children and Adolescents by Dr. Christof Loose

  • 13 Jan 2021
  • 30 Jun 2021
  • Online

Second Charity Online Curriculum in Schema Therapy for Children and Adolescents

By Dr. Christof Loose

(accredited by ISST e.V. for certification in ST-CA)

Date: on Wednesdays from 5 pm to 8:15 pm (CEST/CET, German time), starting on January 13th 2021.

Fee: 1.250 € (Payment via bank transfer (EU-states) or PayPal (non-EU-states).

The Corona pandemic is still affecting many people all over  the world. Apart from impaired health care poverty and famine are major threats. Children and adolescents are hit hardest. Many children cannot attend school anymore and do not receive the necessary medical care. Unicef informs us:

6000 children could die every day as coronavirus weakens health systems and disrupts services.

In order to mitigate the dire consequences for children during the Corona pandemic the Schema Therapy Institute IST-K Cologne offers in collaboration with Dr. Christof Loose a Second Charity Online Curriculum in Schema Therapy for Children and Adolescents (ST-CA). For every participant we will donate 200 € to UNICEF (https://www.unicef.org.uk/donate/coronavirus/).

The training will cover the entire basic training in ST-CA with 64 teaching units evenly distributed on 16 dates from January to June 2021. This new format provides the opportunity to learn continuously in a fixed group. Group size is limited to 18 participants.

Christof prepared a vivid program with live-presentations, videos, chat-rooms, working with the white-board, and many sessions in breakout-rooms (e.g. discussions, role-play, self-disclosure, kahoot®-Quiz etc). Personal interaction with both, the presenter and the other participants are on schedule.

If you are interested in the ST-CA online curriculum please have a look at our short youtube trailer that informs you in 6 minutes about the webinar’s content: https://youtu.be/42R9qKwI_Lc.

For registration and further information please send an email to info@schematherapie-koeln.de

Now available: The new book presents the ST-CA model and provides a clear, practical guide to clinical implementation.

Join a live online conversation with the authors, Christof Loose and Ruth A. Holt at Friday, 4th December 2020, at 9-10 (CET). For further information

You can learn more about ST-CA with Felix and his Modes”., a video wherein Christof explains ST-CA with the story of a child, named Felix, and “Empathic Creativity in Schema Therapy”, a short video wherein Christof gives an insight into the process how to learn and apply ST-CA.

Further information about ST-CA: www.schematherapy-for-children.de

For more details about the workshops, certification requirements etc., please visit the website from ISST: https://schematherapysociety.org/Child-Curriculum-for-Certification


Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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