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What Is Your Top Choice for Your First Day at ISST Summer School?

08 Apr 2015 8:56 PM | Anonymous

Pocket the Savings and Beat the Early-Bird Discount Deadline of April 10th

Which workshop will you attend on June 11th in St. Petersburg, your first day of ISST Summer School? Take a moment to read through the descriptions, then click the "Register" button below to lock-in your Early-Bird Savings, and your choice for Day 1.

Option 1: Schema Therapy for Children and Adolescents 

by Maria Galimzyanova & Christof Loose

In this workshop, first the schema therapeutic conceptual model (schemas, modes, coping strategies) and the underlying theory, are briefly outlined. Related to the children’s age, one of the 18 schemas defined by J.Young is described with their typical child and adolescent cognitions, coping strategies, and parental characteristics.

Other topics include the multimodal diagnostic techniques (therapeutic relationship, psycho-education and empathic confrontation. Another focus is laid on working with drawings, mode-based play therapy, storytelling and fairytale therapy techniques, working with finger puppets and marionettes, sand-play, metaphors, chair work, imagery, "Inner House", the use of flash cards.

Also we’ll focus on the work with parents in terms of "Schema Coaching." The participants will have a chance to play and enjoy themselves, experiencing the techniques and participating in different exercises used in ST-CA. 

Option 2: Schema Couples Therapy: Healing Partners in a Love Relationship

by Eckhard Roediger & Travis Atkinson

Join us during this skill and intervention-focused workshop that starts with a brief introduction of how the schema therapy model can take advantage of the latest science in love relationships to improve outcomes for partners within a couple.

After the introduction, we will cover three key parts:

1. Assessing schemas and modes of each partner in a love relationship
2. Applying effective interventions to de-escalate maladaptive mode loops and to create and reinforce adaptive schemas and modes 
3. Consolidating new modes of interaction within the couple, and solidifying adaptive schemas in relation to self, the love relationship, and the world

Each section includes clear illustrations, relevant video demonstrations of real couples, and practical role-plays to help you apply the interventions effectively with your couples.

Objectives of the Workshop

1. Identify core destructive cycles in couple dynamics, linking past and present associations with each partner’s schemas and modes. Set therapeutic goals as antidotes based on schemas and cycles.

2. Effectively restructure negative cycles of a couple to address schemas and create new beliefs reinforced through a new pattern of emotional engagement.

3. Solidify safety and security through continued reinforcement of the healthy cycle in a couple to heal injuries and schemas, minimizing the possibility of relapse. 

Option 3: Empathic Confrontation in Individual Schema Therapy


by Neele Reiss & Friederike Vogel

Maladaptive coping modes such as Detached Protector or Self-Aggrandizer Mode are the cause of major difficulties in treating patients with various personality disorders. Rigid behavior patterns associated with these modes significantly influence other people’s, even therapist’s, reactions, often triggering them to behave in ways that reinforce the patient’s maladaptive schemas.

Being specifically tailored towards changing maladaptive coping modes, empathic confrontation is a therapeutic intervention in Schema Therapy that is part of limited reparenting and at the same time a mode change strategy in its own right. It is a critical and difficult intervention for accomplishing the overall goal of Schema Therapy- to help patients get their adult needs met in a healthy manner – as it points out the negative effects of their currently used unhealthy mode driven behaviors and assists them in learning and using more adaptive behaviors.

In this workshop the steps of empathic confrontation in Schema Therapy will be outlined to the participants. Difficult situations with patients in maladaptive coping modes in the treatment room and the empathic confrontation of the coping mode in these situations will be demonstrated. Participants will be given the possibility to try the different steps in empathic confrontation in small group role plays. 

Have You Decided? Make Your Choice By Clicking 'Register' Below

ISST Summer School will take place June 11th through the 13th. The conference venue will be the centrally located Holiday Inn St. Petersburg Moskovskye Vorota. 

Don't miss this opportunity to explore the magical St. Petersburg White Nights Festival together with fellow ISST colleagues. Reunite with your ISST friends and make new connections with fellow colleagues who share your passion for schema therapy from around the world.

Visit the new ISST website for more details about the conference, including program listings, and exciting social adventures. Register now.

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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